Where To Buy Full Tilt Poker Clothes

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  2. Full Tilt Poker Clothing
  3. Where To Buy Clothes Online

On Saturday, August 2, Jay Sugarman Auction Corp. will be holding a massive auction giving poker fans the unique (and last) opportunity to put their hands on over 200,000 Full Tilt Poker-branded items worth approximately $3,500,000.

The auction will start at 11 a.m. in San Dimas, California, and will put on sale goods that the organizers claim were previously bought from the Full Tilt Poker's Reclamation Store.

Participating in what is supposed to be the biggest poker 'garage sale' of all time, fans of the 'Red Room' and of poker gadgets in general, will have the unique opportunity to bring home very different items ranging from Full Tilt Poker-branded clothes to freezer mugs, golf bags and even hoodies for dogs.

Besides all the gadgets however, the sale also represents a good opportunity to buy professional poker chip sets or 'classics' of the game's literature such as Gus Hansen'sEvery Hand Revealed, David Sklansky'sTheory of Poker or Dan Harrington'sHarrington on Hold'em in different languages and all for a very low price.

Given the global reach of the poker room and the fact that the Full Tilt Poker brand still has a certain appeal on the other side of the Ocean, Jay Sugarman included a special feature that allows anyone with a VISA, a Mastercard or a bank account to bid on each and every product of the sale straight from his or her web browser through this page.

Poker clothes

Although it has not been officially endorsed by the poker room, Saturday's sale may represent the very last chance at some Full Tilt Poker-branded pieces of clothing and gadgets, as on July 18, 2014, the poker room announced its intention to drop 'Poker' from its name as part of a rebranding operation that should soon lead to the creation of the brand new, Full Tilt Gaming.

According to Full Tilt's new parent company Amaya Gaming, the new room should become a complete online-gaming hub able to combine Full Tilt Poker's traditional poker offer together with a large number of casino games that are property of Amaya.

Full Tilt Poker

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Full Tilt Poker Clothing

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